Family Photography FAQs
Our studio is best suited for children under 1 year of age and is our go to spot for newborn, 6 month and 1 year sessions. For older children and their families, we love doing photographs outdoors at fun and unique locations: your favorite park, a downtown urban setting, a pumpkin patch, the beach, a Christmas tree farm, etc. We’ve got a long list of favorite photo spots if you need some suggestions!
Your family session should capture you and your family – so be you! If you are a casual family, dress casually. If you are a stylish family, go stylish! Props that capture your interests and personality are encouraged: bikes, guitars, tutus, hockey jerseys, etc.
Children can definitely be challenging to photograph at times, depending on their personalities, and their willingness to cooperate. We have MANY tricks up our sleeves to help bring out their personalities as well as an arsenal of noisemakers, puppets, stickers, etc. to encourage their smiles! If you have concerns about how your child may cooperate during the session please let us know ahead of time. We suggest bringing their favorite snacks and any special toys that may keep them smiling!
If you or your child are sick, we kindly ask that you call and reschedule ASAP (please provide us with as much notice as possible). Trying to “tough it out” usually ends is disappointment as your child will not look or act like themselves during the session and this will be reflected in your photos. We would rather reschedule to give you the best session possible!
Absolutely! A “cake smash” session is usually done for a child’s first birthday but there are no age restrictions! Cake smashes result in lots of laughs (and a great big mess – we’ll clean it up, don’t worry!) Our studio is the perfect location for this or we are also happy to go on location. You bring the cake or cupcake, we’ve got birthday hats, balloons, tutus, etc. Don't want to do a cake? We have done birthday sessions with a stack of fruit, grated cheese, whipped cream - whatever makes your little one happy works for us!
Our typically turnaround for proof galleries is 2-3 weeks depending on our current workload.